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Do Thought Leadership Like THIS 👊

Let's Stop Wishing and Start Doing

We get a lot of questions about how to become a good writer. The fastest way to become a better writer and thought leader is by CONSISTENTLY WRITING. Beyond consistency, Here is What We Know About What Makes a Great Thought Leader: 1. They add to the conversation. 2. They are authentic.  3. They experiment with what works.  4. They understand why they are providing free content. 5. They understand that practice makes progress.        NEED HELP? READ THIS: How to Position Yourself as a Thought Leader ‘Take that first step’ Remind yourself why you applied to be a contributor. What were you hoping to get out of it? Are you investing enough time to achieve this goal? We are accepting submissions for February!  What to write next: What advice would you offer entrepreneurs about taking the very necessary first step? How about your top 10 tips for mastering one area of business?   Thank you and congrats to our thought leaders who had their submissions published. More submissions will be published throughout February.