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  • Everything You Need To Know About Business Funding

Everything You Need To Know About Business Funding

There are several ways to fund the expansion or growth of your business in the New Year; this includes business loans and funding from government agencies. If you find yourself in this space, wondering how to go about getting funded, here are funding resources to look into.

Some government funding programmes offer non-repayable grants, which require that your company meet specific requirements. 

A loan is a line of credit that is given to your company with the expectation that it will be repaid with interest; the lender does not acquire any equity in the business. 

This is a form of private equity and a type of financing that investors provide to startup businesses and small businesses that are believed to have long-term growth potential.

Fundraisers can use online platforms to collect funds from a large number of individuals.

For these and other funding sources, see below:

New This Week (12 December 2023)

Financial Planning Tips for Small BusinessesWith the new year on the horizon, it is very important to have a financial plan that enables you to hit the ground running. To figure out if you are ready for the new year ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Have you reviewed your inventory and know what you have to work with?

  • Have you reviewed your financial plan and been in touch with debtors and creditors?

  • Have you made a list of people you would like to collaborate with next year?

  • Have you set up goals for the coming year?

Creating a checklist and keeping an eye on the above will allow you to relax this festive season.

See below for more financial planning advice:

Effective Sales and Marketing Strategies

Marketing and sales are crucial for business success, as they help attract customers, generate revenue, and achieve sustainable growth. Establishing brand awareness is a key function of marketing and sales and digital marketing has emerged as the most affordable and effective way to do this.

The following eBook covers everything you need to know to grow your brand.

Some of the topics covered include:

  • How educating your customers on your products can lead to sales

  • What social media platforms you should be using for your business

  • Tactics for lead generation

  • Ways to grow your email list

  Download the eBook below: