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  • Funding options for your township business

Funding options for your township business

These days, there are unique funding opportunities available for spaza shop owners, such as the Township and Rural Entrepreneurship Programme (TREP). Some areas also offer tuck shop franchise opportunities. The Spaza Shop Support Scheme also makes it possible for spaza shop owners to access an extra R7000 to help them get their business off the ground. This handy guide will show you all you need to know about opening a spaza shop and getting much-needed funding.

New This Week (30 May 2023)

Township Business Ideas You May Not Have Considered

Township businesses are in many ways the backbone of the South African small business sector, however, over-saturation of certain types of businesses can negatively affect the success of budding entrepreneurs. Some options to look into include:

  • Food markets

  • Delivery services

  • Rental accommodation

  • Cleaning services

  • Party services

  • Youth entertainment

  • Photography

  • Online services

  • Event hire

  • Coffee shop

The following article will help you think outside the box when considering your options

Which POS System Is Best For You?

Do your customers have options when it comes to paying you?A point-of-sale (POS) terminal allows your business to accept payments from customers and keep track of sales. It sounds simple enough, but different systems give you access to different options. Compare POS systems to find out which one is best for your needs.

Dream Of Turning Your Love of Cooking Into A Career?

This might be easier than you think! One thing is certain, people are always going to need to eat, so food sells. Whether it's big celebrations or daily lunches, catering is a viable business option.

Three things to consider when starting a catering business:

  1. Determine your location and premises.

  2. Determine what equipment you may need.

  3. Do your research and find out the type of catering services that are in demand.

This guide covers all you need to know about starting a profitable catering business

Your Tax Guide

Tax season is often very overwhelming for many Small business owners, this guide will help you navigate the upcoming tax year-end. The year-end guide for small businesses gives you:

  • Your Guide to Payroll Tax-Year End

  • SME Business Structures and Tax Implications 

  • Four Common Mistakes to Avoid 

  • Three Tips to Make Tax Compliance Easier 

  • Tips to Maximise Tax Deductions