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Make the Most of the Last 60 Days of 2021

Are you planning on taking a break this year or do you feel like your business can't afford it? This year has been A LOT, from navigating a pandemic, protests and elections ... all while running a business, it's a lot. Before you say, “I can’t” yet – hear us out. A break can help you avoid burnout, can help you recharge, expand your creativity, and help you get a better perspective on what’s important. Here are several tips on how to plan for a vacation:

  • Start small – Start by taking off at least two days from your business and set boundaries (for when you are offline and unavailable to staff and clients).

  • Consider taking a vacation during your business's off period or instead of taking two weeks off, divide the weeks instead.

  • Set a date and stick to it – Taking a vacation should be non-negotiable, no matter how long or short the vacation is.

  • Plan – Consider what are the essential to-dos. Don’t try to cram in too many tasks before you go on holiday.

  • Delegate tasks and/ or train someone to fill in for youRead more about how to delegate, here.

  • Schedule check-ins – You can log in for 60 – 90 minutes to, for example, check emails. You can also talk about attending a weekly virtual meeting to see how things are progressing.

  • Have clear processes in place – Work ahead and record your processes. You can also store files by using cloud services to make it easy for you and your team to access files or notes. Read more about how to record your business processes here.

  • Automate some tasks – You can, for example, schedule social media or emails ahead of time. Read about email marketing service providers you can use - some also offer tools to automate tasks like social media posts.

  • Lastly, communicate with your clients and staff before you go on a vacation.

In this week’s newsletter:- How to Boost Sales with Seasonal Products

- Download the free Tech Buyer's Guide- Get 50% OFF the Serv yearly Premium Plan

Have a great, productive week ahead!

60 Days to 2022 - Here's What to Look Forward to for the Rest of 2021 ... 

Upcoming Guides to help you make the most of the next 2 months:

  • Black Friday: How to take advantage of Black Friday as a small business. 

  • Is your employees’ morale is low? We have solutions for you.

  • Reflections: What to do if your sales were down this year + advice on doing a financial prep for your business.

  • New Year’s prep: How to plan your first quarter of 2022.

If you want info on any other topic or there’s something you want us to talk about in the weekly newsletter, email us at [email protected]

It’s a Celebration! Get 50% OFF the Serv yearly Premium Plan! 

Over the past year, we’ve worked tirelessly to help B2B small businesses get customers. We have successfully delivered over 1,000 qualified leads to small businesses around South Africa. 

Join thousands of other B2B small businesses getting leads every day. 

Take advantage of our Birthday Special!!!!! Save 50% when you Register for the Annual Premium Serv Membership and pay only R1,200 -  instead of R2,400 - for the whole year. Here's what your Serv Premium Membership gets you: - Appear 1st tier in search results for service providers in your category and increase your chances of getting seen.- Link your website and social media pages to your profile and grow your brand presence.- Publish articles on Serv and establish yourself as an industry thought leader. - Receive and respond to reviews & build credibility.- PLUS - get leads at a much cheaper rate than on the Basic account. Register today and get 50% OFF your subscription feeUse promo code: SERVBIRTHDAY at checkout. List your B2B Business. Find the full list of service categories available on Serv here.

Boost Sales with Seasonal Products - Here's How

Black Friday is around the corner, here are ways to boost sales with seasonal products:

  • Create an off-season hype – get shoppers excited about what’s to come.

  • Stage a sale – Customers might because of a discount and a centrepiece be likelier to take advantage of a sale.

  • Add complementary products and services – it must be combined with products that are popular and that customers enjoy.

  • Look for an opportunity in niche markets – such as gluten-free or sugar-free products.

  • Lastly, during the off-season you might consider shortening your hours of operation – this is to save money on electricity, etc.

Some of the ways of managing an off-season period are to build cash reserves during busy months and to build alternative income streams. Download a free Guide on 25+ Business Ideas here

Need to make sales projections. Accounting software can help with tasks like tracking sales data, cash flow management, and tracking tax. Get the Top Accounting Software for Small Businesses in South Africa here

SME South Africa wants to see your business succeed! That is why we have put together 5 business tech solutions that are guaranteed to help your business grow! Download the free SME South Africa Tech Buyer's Guide today and get tips on:

  • How to purchase tech solutions for your business

  • All the benefits of each business solution

  • Features to look out for when making a purchase

It’s ALL in the guide! Download your FREE copy right now and don’t miss out on an opportunity to take your business one step closer to success!