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  • Your Year-End Business Checklist

Your Year-End Business Checklist

The festive season is around the corner - are you already overwhelmed with everything you have to do before the end of the year? We've got you covered - see the ultimate end-of-year checklist here. On your checklist should be to thank your most supportive customers and clients. Here are some ideas:

  • Thank them verbally by giving them a call or email them – send an email if you do have an existing email database or give your customers a shout-out on social media. [Get a list of the Top 5 Email Marketing Service Providers here]

  • Thank them with a gift or a handwritten card or treat them with a coffee or a meal.

  • Support their interests, work, and businesses.

  • Help your customers learn something new – you can provide free training.

  • Alternatively, set up a loyalty scheme – you could offer a free service after a certain amount of appointments they made, or offer an annual discount on their birthday.

**DID YOU KNOW you can implement a loyalty program or discount codes on some of your business’s products through your POS system or your E-Commerce Store? Get reviews on the Top 5 POS Systems or get a quote for the Top 5 E-Commerce Website Builders**

In this week’s newsletter, we share:- Get the ultimate end-of-year checklist, including how to complete your financial prep, what to do before your business shuts down for the season, and tips to practice self-care.- Get business results 5X faster with Aspire

- Reasons to join a Marketplace this festive season

Have a great, productive week ahead!

Quote of the Week

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Building a business is hard but there are predictable decisions, actions, and patterns that lead to building the type of business that you want. In a world congested with information, accessing these decisions, actions and patterns prove challenging. Aspire curates the best actionable ideas from top CEOs and experts to help business founders, CEOs and managers achieve the results they want in 5x less time. This is fulfilled by providing access to:

  1. Find the right ideas to produce results for you

    1. Great ideas from top CEOs and experts

    2. 1000+ one-page great idea action plans

    3. Guidance to find ideas that will work for you

  2. Nudges and accountability to inspire you to take action

    1. 1-min ‘Aha’ moment videos

    2. Accountability partner

    3. Mastermind groups

  3. Results in 5x less time and cost

    1. Reduce the time from idea to action

    2. Make decisions that produce results

    3. Implement high-impact ideas

If you are interested in how Aspire can help you grow and level up your business, meet with an Aspire team member for a free pay-it-forward session to get a personalised curriculum of ideas that will have the greatest impact on growing your business’s profits or improving your productivity. For a free session, book a session on this calendar link or drop Ryan Osher, co-founder of Aspire, an email at [email protected]

The Ultimate End-of-Year Checklist for Small Businesses

What to do if you are shutting down during the festive break– Close off the current year properly. Review successes and failures.– Let your customers know when you will be away – send them an email or a text message notifying them about the dates of your holiday shutdown.– Have an out-of-office notification on all your communication channels which includes when you will be back, as well as an emergency number.– Have all your social media posts scheduled for the holiday period.

4-Steps to complete your financial prep– Start by reducing discretionary expenses. Re-evaluate your company policies for travel, entertainment, and office supplies, for example.– If you expect a seasonal cash flow crunch, prepare for it by speaking to your bank about an overdraft.– Get your invoices out at soon as possible and make those phone calls where necessary to get what is due to you before the shutdown.– Take advantage of any special deals that might be relevant to your business.

4 Ways to practice self-care– Make a reading list for the holidays.– Practice gratitude.– Clear your mind every day – explore techniques such as deep breathing, writing a journal or listening to classical music.– Make time for friends and family to remind yourself to stay real, reconnect, and stay grounded.

Join a Marketplace this Festive Season

 The festive season is upon us. Why not buy your business a gift that will contribute to its growth in the year 2022? For your business to grow, you need to invest in certain areas of your business such as getting an accountant, having a marketing department and becoming technologically savvy and you can perhaps join a marketplace. Marketplaces offer an alternative way for small businesses to market their products or services. Small businesses can market their businesses on marketplaces, reach larger audiences and do so at a cheaper rate than most advertising solutions. Invest in your business so that you are not left behind in the New Year.